Weekly Devotional


Sundays at 10:30am | Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Welcome to our weekly devotional.

Welcome to our weekly devotional! Soon, we will update with more details on what you should expect in this space. Stay tuned!

One man's obedience (Part III)

by: Jordan Messer



A better Reign, v17 

Under Adam, death was the reigning power - everyone is subject to it // the Bible speaks of death as having dominion - elsewhere Paul refers to the domain of darkness. 

This is where each of us naturally reside - we have no claims we can make on God. 

This is what so many people think: that by being a good enough person or praying enough or giving enough, it will make God pay attention to them. 

It will somehow obligate God to be on their side. Is that not

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One Man's Obedience (Part II)

by: Jordan Messer



I. A Better Representative. v. 12-16

What you have here is the story of two representatives who stand in for us all.

V. 12 encapsulates what went wrong with the first guy: sin was able to enter God's creation through one person (Paul is assuming we are familiar with the Genesis account of creation and fall) - Eve gets a bad rap, but the Bible lays the responsibility clearly with Adam because he was the representative head of us all // our fate and the fate of the world was

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One man's obedience (part I)

by: Jordan Messer



Romans 5: 12-21 // One Man's Obedience 

The gift of Christ's saving work supersedes the power of sin and death brought into the world through Adam. This is to increase our wonder and gratitude for Christ's amazing gift. 

This series is calling us to expand our vision of the gospel: It changes everything // Not just the entrance to heaven. 

Tonight we have the opportunity to do exactly that; here we see that the Gospel is God's global answer to our grave problem (read Romans 5...
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